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Now we won’t go into all the reasons why this season is loved so much, but if you are reading this, one of the reasons you probably like Christmas is because it is the time of the year that you can get out your wonderful collection of Dept 56 houses and display them. Yes, us collectors can’t wait to start building our displays. Some of us start contemplating our displays back in September already.
where, or on what, are they going to display their collections on. If you are like our household, my husband will start complaining about lugging the 4 x 8 sheet of plywood (or whatever wood it is) out to our den. Then he has to go out to his shop and bring the sawhorses in to set them on. Then since they aren’t all the same height, he has to level them before he can hoist that 70 pound piece of wood up on the horses. Some years I don’t use the 4 x 8 sheet for displaying my collections. In those years I will use every available shelf, end table, or TV cabinet for my houses and then sometimes I even have some houses left over. Basically after about 25 years of collecting I am getting a little tired of my limited choices for my displays.
for him to write down how he did everything so that my fellow collectors could have the same wonderful tables for themselves. Now if you or your spouse wants to build these tables, it really is not that difficult. Anyone with some basic wood working skills can do it. The only tools you will need are a drill and saw. If you have...
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